Law Firm Management
5 Biglaw Firms Make Working Mother’s List Of The ‘100 Best Companies To Work For’
Making a return appearance on the list this year are Arnold & Porter and Katten Muchin Rosenman.
Average Attorney Salary Might Surprise New Lawyers (And Judges’ Average Earnings Are Even Lower)
An Above the Law contributor takes a look at Bureau of Labor Statistics and finds that the estimated mean annual wage for lawyers is a respectable $144,230.
After Two Nights in Jail, St. Louis Lawyer Ordered to Pay $775,000 to Her Former Firm for Copying Client Files
Tuesday’s order follows a July ruling that found Merta in contempt and ordered her to serve 48 hours in jail.
How a Hard-Charging Lawyer Helped Fuel a Civil War Inside the NRA
Several NRA veterans accuse William Brewer III of instigating an almost Shakespearean feud to protect his bottom line and growing influence.
Marketing: A Quick Guide to Clean Email Distribution Lists
If you take the steps to create an organized list, it will allow you to get more creative and intentional with your email marketing.
Biglaw Firm Announces Nationwide Buyout Program
Morgan Lewis & Bockius will be offering voluntary buyout packages for all of its legal secretaries, across the country.
Fourth Circuit Takes Up Secretive Raid on Law Firm
Federal agents seized tens of thousands of electronic files during a raid earlier this year, and now the government and the law firm are at odds on what is privileged.
Lawyer Loses First Amendment Challenge to Use of Bar Dues
Arnold Fleck sued after learning the State Bar Association of North Dakota was using some of his dues to oppose a state ballot measure he supported.
Struggling Law Firms May Face Dissolution Risk in Recession
Law firms should be “battening down the hatches” now and looking at the profitability of different practices.
Richmond-Based LeClairRyan Law Firm Files for Bankruptcy
At its peak, the 30-year-old firm had 25 offices nationwide and almost 400 lawyers.
Private Lawyers Stand to Make $90 Million in Johnson & Johnson Opioid Ruling
The judgment in the Oklahoma opioid litigation, if upheld, could yield a huge return on investment for the private plaintiffs lawyers involved.
White Paper: Driving Disruption in the Law Department
The white paper includes seven predictions for the future of legal operations by Onit CEO and founder Eric M. Elfman and SimpleLegal CEO and co-founder Nathan Wenzel.
Court Forces Sale of Arbitration Award to Pay Biglaw Firm Fee
The law firm won approval to have a former client’s $92 million arbitration award seized so that it can be paid for its legal services.
Biglaw Firm Accused of Tax Error That Could Cost Bankers Millions, Report Says
The case involves an allegedly missed deadline for routine paperwork, according to sources and a report Weil commissioned on the matter, the NY Post reports.
Biglaw Firm Tells Associates They Have to Take Vacation Time to Attend Firm Event
Some associates in Biglaw firm Quinn Emanuel are miffed about a policy at the firm that has them feeling hoodwinked over losing some of their vacation time.
HBO’s “The Future of Work” Featuring LawGeex
Vice News recently reported on the technological revolution overtaking the world in transportation, distribution, food service, health — and legal.
The Lawyer’s Guide to Publishing LinkedIn Articles
Amy Boardman Hunt of Muse Communications points out that publishing an article – quarterly, monthly, or even weekly – is a solid way to keep your profile updated and maintain your presence on LinkedIn.
Firm Settles Suit Alleging It Solicited Fake Online Reviews That Tricked Woman Into Becoming Client
The lawsuit claimed that Kraemer Manes had “orchestrated a scheme of soliciting positive online reviews” from people who had never used the law firm’s services.
Lawyers’ Wages Grew Slower Than Inflation, ABA Profile Reveals
The average lawyer earned $144,230 last year, making less than dentists, who earned $180,590 on average.
Law Firm’s Nasty Split Sparks Novel Questions on Derivative Suits
Cellino & Barnes used ubiquitous advertising on television, radio and billboards in New York to generate more than $10 million in profits each year since 2015 for its only two shareholders.