Former Google Exec Will Lead U.S. Patent Office
The U.S. Senate has confirmed former Google executive Michelle Lee to head the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, a position that has been vacant for more than two years, reports Reuters.
Do You Really Know How To Manage An OSHA Inspection?
White Paper
A white paper written by Howard Mavity of Fisher & Phillips give some advice on what managers need to note in order to challenge OSHA citations, especially when the citations arrive months after an inspection.
Supreme Court Describes ‘Ordinary Principles of Contract Law’
White Paper
A white paper published by Smith, Anderson, Blount, Dorsett, Mitchell & Jernigan discusses a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that addresses the question: In a contract governed by federal law, does “The End” really mean “The End”?
Jonathan Bing to Lead Wilson Elser’s NYC Government Affairs Practice
National law firm Wilson Elser appointed Partner Jonathan L. Bing, a former New York State assemblyman and Governor Cuomo appointee, to head of the New York City Government Affairs practice.
Crude Oil Exports: A View from the 114th Congress
White Paper
An analysis by June DeHart, published in Environmental Leader, discusses the prospects of Congress lifting the ban on crude oil exports.
Key Energy-Related Tax Provisions in the 2016 Budget Proposal
White Paper
McDermott Will & Emery has prepared a white paper on energy-related provisions in his recently released budget proposal for the 2016 fiscal year.
Government Contracts and Safety: Prevailing Wage, Living Wage, and OSHA
Gordon & Rees presents a free on-demand webinar on the nationwide trends and hot topics in prevailing wage and Occupational Safety and Health Act claims; best practices for compliance; and practical strategies to reduce risks.
Republicans Put the Screws to Labor Board
The new Republican majority in the Senate is turning up the pressure on the National Labor Relations Board, with a series of hearings and legislative attacks against policies that make it easier for workers to unionize, reports The Hill.
When Public Health Goes to Court: Judicial Structure and Functions
The Network for Public Health Law has posted a complimentary webinar that looks at the structure and essential functions of the state and federal court systems.
How Drones Are Changing the Energy Industry
White Paper
The National Law Review has posted a paper on the use of drones in the energy industry and the FAA’s upcoming proposed regulations governing unmanned aircraft systems’ usage.
Microsoft GC Calls for New Rules to Handle Government Data Requests
Microsoft’s general counsel says he wants 2015 to be a “year for solutions” when it comes to the intersection of the internet and international law, according to a report at
Preparing Employers for the Next Stage of the Affordable Care Act
Business Insurance offers a free on-demand webinar explaining how and why companies should prepare to comply with fresh health benefits requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
GAO: Performance-Based Contracts Are the Way to Go
Performance-based contracting received a boost when the Government Accountability Office found that the U.S. Department of Transportation is making progress in moving toward a national performance-based approach.
4th Circuit Adopts ‘Implied Certification’ Theory of False Claims Act Liability
Ropes & Gray has published an examination of a recent 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on the False Claims Act in U.S. ex rel. Badr v. Triple Canopy, Inc., No. 13-2101.
Leveraging eSignatures for Better Compliance in Mortgage Lending
EVENT: Jan. 27, 12 p.m. CST
Equifax Workforce Solutions will present a free webinar discussing best practices for incorporating electronic records throughout the life of a mortgage loan, as well as the power of electronic signatures as a tool for achieving compliance with the ever-increasing regulatory burden.
Top 10 Federal Contract Set-Aside Opportunities for 2015
White Paper
GovWin has published a free white paper on the top government contract set-asides for the current fiscal year.
SBA’s Proposed Rule Regarding Limitations on Subcontracting
White Paper
Piliero Mazza has posted a free white paper analyzing the Small Business Administration’s proposed rule to implement provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013.
Developments for Government Contractors to Watch in 2015
White Paper
Crowell & Moring has posted the slides from a recent webinar on the recent ASBCA decision in Laguna Construction, which is likely to reverberate in 2015 and beyond.
High Court Case Could Foil Government Suits Over Job Bias
The Supreme Court could put the brakes on the Obama administration’s growing crackdown against companies facing claims of discrimination against women, minorities and other protected groups.
Former Microsoft Chief Privacy Officer on the Cloud Conspiracy
Microsoft former chief privacy adviser Caspar Bowden recently presented “The Cloud Conspiracy 2008 – 2014.”