Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives


Herbalife Agrees to Pay $123M to Settle Charges Related to 10-Year Bribery Scheme in China

NewsHerbalife Nutrition Ltd.’s (‘Herbalife’) recent settlement of bribery allegations demonstrates the U.S. government’s continuing focus on China and the critical role that board members and senior management of multinationals play in overseeing compliance globally.

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R.I. Man Admits to Fraudulently Seeking $4.7M in COVID-19 Stimulus Loans

NewsA Middletown, R.I. admitted in federal court in Providence to fraudulently seeking more than $4.7 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgivable loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

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U.S. Says Google Breakup May be Needed to End Violations of Antitrust Law

NewsThe U.S. sued Google on Tuesday, accusing the $1 trillion company of illegally using its market muscle to hobble rivals in the biggest challenge to the power and influence of Big Tech in decades.

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Chester County Judge Misused Campaign Contributions for Gambling and Personal Benefit

NewsThe 45th Investigating Statewide Grand Jury announced charges against a Chester County magisterial district judge for using $4,000 in campaign contributions for personal benefit.

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AG Jennings Announces Settlement with Novartis Regarding Allegations of Improper Kickbacks

NewsAttorney General Kathy Jennings announced Monday that Delaware has joined the United States, twenty-seven other states, and the District of Columbia to settle allegations against Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.

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SEC Awards More Than $10M to Whistleblower

News“The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced an award of more than $10 million to a whistleblower whose information and assistance were of crucial importance to a successful SEC enforcement action.

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U.S. to Pay SC $600M in Settlement Over Remaining Plutonium at Savannah River Site

Attorney General Alan Wilson announced Monday that the State of South Carolina and the United States have reached a settlement to end litigation related to weapons-grade plutonium that was relocated to the Savannah River Site in the early 2000s.

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New York May Soon Enact Contact Tracing Law

A bill regulating the use of contact tracing data has moved its way through both chambers of the New York State legislature.

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The Supreme Court’s Big Rulings Were Surprisingly Mainstream This Year

Even though there were some fierce disagreements among the justices, the court’s final rulings were actually not very controversial at all — at least from the perspective of most Americans.

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Michael Cohen Returned to Jail in Dispute Over Trump Book

Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s onetime lawyer and fixer, was in good spirits on Thursday when he arrived at a Manhattan federal courthouse, where he expected to complete routine paperwork related to his home confinement amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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Attorney Arrested for Federal Bribe, Extortion Charges

Prosecutors contended attorney Keith Mitchell is a flight risk who should remain behind bars after he eluded authorities for more than 24 hours and potentially obstructed justice when he called four Toledo city councilmen after learning he and they were the targets of a federal bribery and corruption probe.

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Morristown Lawyer Charged in Mt. Arlington Corruption Probe

“A Morristown lawyer lied about making campaign contributions to Mount Arlington officials in 2016, a year before her firm was awarded a ‘lucrative contract’ with the borough, according to law enforcement officials.

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N.J. Corruption Scheme Involving Pay-to-Play Contracts Leads to Charges Against Law Firm Partner

The law partner of the tax attorney believed to be a cooperating witness in a sweeping New Jersey pay-to-play corruption investigation has been charged with lying about thousands in political contributions made to secure lucrative municipal contracts.

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Historic Opioid Agreement Clears Way for Rural Communities to Benefit from Litigation Settlements  

A landmark agreement between the Texas Attorney General’s office and a group of Texas counties and cities impacted by the country’s opioid epidemic paves the way for future settlement money to be directed to rural communities battling the crisis.

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$205K Settlement Reached, Then Rejected, in CT Lottery Whistleblower Case

Old disputes die hard at the Connecticut Lottery Corp. Here is the story of one of them.

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Paralegal for U.S. Attorney Tipped Off Drug Cartel, Prosecutors Say

Jennifer Loya, 30, helped a drug network in San Antonio stay a step ahead of drug enforcement agents through her access to information as a federal employee.

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Texas Courts Hit by Ransomware Attack

Texas courts shut down websites and disabled servers late last week in response to a ransomware attack, the Office of Court Administration announced.

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Former FBI Agent Arrested in Lafayette in Bribery Case

A retired FBI agent arrested Friday near his home in Lafayette accepted more than more than $200,000 in cash bribes and gifts in exchange for funneling sensitive information to Armenian organized crime.

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Ann Arbor Council Votes 10-1 to Increase Legal Contract in Gelman Case to $592,500

Ann Arbor officials this week again delayed voting on a resolution to seek a federal Superfund cleanup of the Gelman dioxane plume

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Lawyers Get Ready for First-Ever Supreme Court Oral Arguments by Phone

The Supreme Court’s announcement this week that it will hold oral arguments via teleconference for the first time in its history has a small group of America’s top attorneys prepping for the most important phone calls of their careers.

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