How a Tax Code Overhaul May Affect You

Despite what President Trump promised about simplifying the tax code when he was on the campaign trail, tax simplification isn’t a simple task, writes Charles Delafuente of The New York Times.
Key Issues for Due Diligence of Government Contracts – Part II
Insight< br>Comprehensive due diligence review of any target company that performs government contracts should include evaluation of five broad categories relating to general business matters, Kimi Murakami writes in Part II of a report on Piliero Mazza’s PM Legal Minute blog.
Older Judges and Vacant Seats Give Trump Huge Power to Shape American Courts
President Trump could soon find himself responsible for appointing a greater share of federal court judges than any first-term president in 40 years, according to a report in The New York Times.
Government Contracts Legislative and Regulatory Update – February 2017
Dentons has published the latest edition of its “Government Contracts Legislative and Regulatory Update a summary of the relevant changes that took place during January.
Healthcare and the False Claims Act, 2016 Survey

Healthcare and the False Claims Act, 2016 Survey summarizes the important laws, regulations, pronouncements, and cases of the past year, to inform healthcare providers and healthcare attorneys on this crucial statute in the healthcare industry.
Be Ready to Prove Intent to Use or Actual Use of a Trademark

A client alert from Cowan Liebowitz & Latman discusses two recent developments conveying similar messages regarding the need to maintain supporting evidence at both the trademark application and registration stages.
Workplace Harassment: New Considerations for New Administration

Event, Feb. 22, 12 p.m. EST
Navex Global will present a complimentary webinar titled “Managing Workplace Harassment: Trends and Objectives under the New Administration” on Wednesday, Feb. 22.
A Tax Overhaul Would Be Great in Theory, But Hard in Practice

Decisions that lawmakers made decades or even a century ago have essentially locked us into ways of doing things, as the cost of changing looms more heavily than the potential benefits of trying something different, writes Neil Irwin for The New York Times.
Largest Immigration Law Firm in U.S. is Busy, Very Busy

The only large U.S. law firm in the country dedicated solely to immigration work is in crisis management mode in the wake of President Donald Trump’s immigration order, reports Bloomberg Law.
Judge Blocks $54 Billion Anthem-Cigna Health Insurance Merger
A federal judge blocked the $54 billion merger between health insurance giants Anthem and Cigna, saying the deal would increase prices and reduce competition, according to a report by The Washington Post.
Republican Plan Would Ease Wall St. Rules, As Party Embraces Deregulation

Hensarling’s plan would roll back Wall Street rules and consumer protections conceived after the 2008 financial crisis, a step that will largely define the financial deregulation debate in the Trump era, reports Reuters.
Key Issues for Due Diligence of Government Contracts – Part I
Comprehensive due diligence review of any target company is imperative when determining whether to buy another company, writes Kimi Murakami for Piliero Mazza.
Akin Gump Lawyer Accused of Trying to Sell Lawsuit Under Seal

Jeffrey Wertkin immediately lost his job with Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP after he was picked up Jan. 31 in the lobby of a hotel in Cupertino, Californiaallegedly trying to collect $310,000 for selling the lawsuit.
What Trump Can – and Can’t – Do to Dodd-Frank
American Banker asks and answers the question of what will be the immediate impact of President Trump’s executive order calling for a review of financial regulatory policy, especially the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act.
Trump May Be Skirting Transparency Law on Advisory Boards
There have been no official notices of any meetings and no executive orders laying out the duties of the “Strategic and Policy Forum” or any other groups Trump is convening.
Uber CEO to Leave Trump Advisory Council After Criticism

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick responded to an onslaught of criticism to his joining President Trump’s economic advisory council by resigning from the council on Thursday, reports The New York Times.
Trump to Issue Directives Targeting Dodd-Frank, Retirement Advice Rule
This is the opening salvo in Trump’s campaign to scale back regulations that resulted from the financial crisis, Reuters is reporting.
Dykema Adds Government Contracts Attorneys in San Antonio
Dykema has added government contracts attorneys John C. Dulske and Bryan Kost to its Government Policy & Practice Group in the firm’s San Antonio office. Prior to joining Dykema, both practiced at Dulske & Gluys in San Antonio, which Dulske formed in 2002.
USSC Nominee Gorsuch and Free Speech Issues
Dallas media lawyer Shannon Teicher of Jackson Walker LLP suggests that Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch’s record on the First Amendment is vitally important given the new administration’s already strained relationship with the press.
Neil Gorsuch: Scalia’s Views Mixed With Kennedy’s Style

Gorsuch may be more conservative than Kennedy when it comes to expanding individual rights, but he seems to lack Scalia’s fervor for overturning liberal precedents from decades past, according to The Los Angeles Times.