General Counsel
NACD Introduces New Initiative: The Strategic-Asset GC

The National Association of Corporate Directors has introduced the its new Strategic-Asset GC initiative, which recognizes the unique position general counsel hold relative to their boards of directors.
New Research Reveals Third-Party Risk Management Best Practices

Navex Global has produced a benchmark report that can be used to help organizations judge how effective their third-party risk management systems are and how to make improvements.
2016 In-House Legal Benchmarking Report

Exterro has published its “2016 In-House Legal Benchmarking Report,” which allows readers to compare their legal processes to their peers and learn how other legal departments are trying to become more productive and reduce legal spend without sacrificing defensibility.
Webinar: Survey Says Executive Pay Incentives Matter, but the Devil is in the Details

Event, Nov. 10, 2 p.m. EST
Pearl Meyer’s annual fall survey of senior executives and compensation committee members, Pearl Meyer On Point: Looking Ahead to Executive Pay Practices in 2017, looks into pay level expectations and potential changes to annual and long-term incentive plans
Five Questions GC Should Ask About Privacy and Cybersecurity in Third-Party Contracts

In an article posted on Mayer Brown’s website, authors Rebecca S. Eisner, Lei Shen and Lindsay T. Brown discuss five privacy- and security-related questions that a general counsel should ask regarding company data in the hands of third-party suppliers and other business partners.
This Single Mom Went From Partner to GC to CEO
The article includes a question-and-answer transcript about American Apparel CEO Chelsea Grayson’s goals, preparation, learning the business, and handling the high-pressure job as a single mother.
Thomson Reuters Survey Reveals Developing Trend in Legal Departments

www.thomsonreuters.comA new Thomson Reuters survey reveals a developing trend in legal departments and explores a rise in hiring legal department operations professionals, changes in GC/firm partnerships, and a growing reliance on new technologies.
Inside the Secret Society of Wall Street’s Top In-House Lawyers
Attendees at the recent gathering wanted to discuss a common foe: class-action lawyers who seek billions of dollars from top banks for alleged market manipulations and related bad behavior.
New York City Bar’s Annual In-House Reception Oct. 26
Event, Oct. 26, 6-7:30 p.m. EDT
The New York City Bar will host a special reception for in-house counsel on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 6-7:30 p.m. The event will be at 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036.
Cowboys’ GC Had to Get Over One Giants Hurdle With Jerry Jones

A Dallas Morning News profile of Dallas Cowboys general counsel Jason Cohen tells how the New Jersey native thought his job interview with team owner Jerry Jones was going pretty well until Jones asked him if he was a Cowboys fan. He confessed to being a Giants fan.
11 Steps Your Board Needs to Take Now

The National Association of Corporate Directors has published the 2016 NACD Blue Ribbon Commission Report: Building the Strategic-Asset Board. The report is designed to help readers prepare for boardroom discussions on top-of-mind issues related to board strategy and composition.
Executive Pay Clawbacks Are Gratifying, but Not Particularly Effective

If the goal of compensation clawbacks is to keep corporate executives honest, then they aren’t doing the job, according to a report by The New York Times.
Which Firms Give In-House Counsel Nightmares?
BTI Consulting Group has published the results of its 2017 “Fearsome Foursome” survey, in which 300 general counsel named which law firms they would least like to see as opposing counsel.
Bloomberg Law Slates Big Law Business Summit – West

Event, Oct. 27, 1:30-6 p.m. PDT
Big Law, chief legal officers, outside counsel, and those serving legal departments around the world are invited to discuss challenges and share ideas about the legal industry at Bloomberg Law’s Big Law Business Summit – West.
Oh, No… Did Apple’s GC Unload Too Early?

Apple Computers’ stock surged 11 percent in the past week — unfortunately too late for five Apple executives, including the company’s general counsel — who unloaded a massive amount shares in August, according to Bloomberg.
Checklist: Modernize Your D&O Questionnaire

The Center for Board Excellence is offering for free download a checklist aimed at modernizing directors and officers questionnaires. The checklist uses CBE’s cloud-based platform.
Strengthening the Board’s Oversight of M&A

The National Association of Corporate Directors has made available a free executive summary of “Director Essentials: Strengthening the Oversight of M&A.”
SEC Takes Aim at GC for Response to DOJ Investigation
The Securities and Exchange Commission has filed civil fraud charges against the general counsel of Ohio-based chemical company RPM for allegedly mishandling the response to a U.S. Department of Justice investigation, Bloomberg Law reports.
What Are the Signs Your Law Firm Needs Process Improvement?
In a white paper, consultant George Dunn discusses the signs that a law firm needs process improvement in maintaining good relationships with clients.
Webcast: Introduction to Digital Transformation with Electronic Signatures

Event, Sept. 21, 2 p.m. EDT
eSignLive by Vasco is sponsoring an online presentation providing an overview of the basic terminology, concepts, and laws related to electronic signatures and answer the most frequently asked questions on the topic.