Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives


Foundry Employees’ Action is a “Mass Action” Subject to Removal Under the Class Action Fairness Act

The Eleventh Circuit has clarified the scope of the ‘local event exception’ to the federal-court jurisdiction over ‘mass actions’ conferred by the Class Action Fairness Act (“CAFA”), holding that claims by former foundry employees against manufacturers and distributors of products used at the foundry are not within the exception.

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D.C. Circuit Sidesteps Bristol-Myers Personal Jurisdiction Defense in Class Action, but Seventh Circuit Rejects It

wo federal appellate courts published notable opinions on the intersection between personal jurisdiction jurisprudence and Rule 23 class action procedure.

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Wells Fargo’s Top Lawyer Turned CEO Made $9.6 Million in 2019

Former Wells Fargo & Co. general counsel C. Allen Parker Jr. took home outsized pay of more than $9.6 million last year thanks to his elevation to interim CEO.

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Proposed Settlement of Age Discrimination Case Hardly Onerous for PricewaterhouseCoopers

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit alleging age discrimination in hiring by paying out $11.625 million, an amount that is not even a blip on the radar screen of a firm that reports annual revenues in excess of $41 billion.

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DoD Wants to ‘Reconsider Certain Aspects’ of Decision to Award Microsoft $10B JEDI Contract

New court filings reveal that the Department of Defense wants to ‘reconsider certain aspects’ of its decision to award Microsoft with the coveted $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract.

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Am Law 50 Firm Demands Massive Tax Breaks, Sues Government For Not Handing Them Over

The Am Law 50 firm moved its headquarters to Philadelphia’s Cira Centre in 2005, taking advantage of a tax break program that Pennsylvania offers businesses to move into developments in formerly run-down areas.

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Inside The Twin Cities’ Big Law Firm Mergers

As of early 2020, Briggs was among three of the 10 largest law offices in downtown Minneapolis that executed mergers. Gray Plant Mooty, the oldest continuous law firm in Minneapolis, dating back to 1866, combined with a firm whose biggest market is Kansas City. The new firm is called Lathrop GPM.

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Vacancies Prompt County to Hire Private Law Firm to Assist With Cases

Cascade County has hired a private law firm to assist the Cascade County Attorney’s Office, which is experiencing a significant number of attorney vacancies with two major civil cases pending.

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Quinn Emanuel Shuts Down New York Office After Partner Tests Positive For Coronavirus

A partner at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan in New York has tested positive for the coronavirus, prompting the firm to close the office as a precaution this week.

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Apple Agrees to $500 Million Settlement for Throttling Older Iphones

Apple has tentatively agreed to a $500 million settlement after admitting to slowing down older phones.

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How Showcasing Softer Content and Your Firm’s Culture Can Enhance Your Social Media Efforts

Using social media to support your firm’s and lawyers’ business development efforts should be at forefront of everything you do on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

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Coronavirus Fears Prompt Biglaw Firms To Limit Travel, Reschedule Retreats To Protect Partners

Biglaw firms across the country are taking the news seriously, echoing the actions of their colleagues abroad and imposing travel restrictions and canceling events.

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Opioid Companies Say Lawyers’ Fee Demand Threatens Settlement Talks

The drug companies noted that the attorneys would receive more money from the settlement than even some of the states they represent.

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Law firm praises Dennard informant Gableman: ‘It takes courage for citizens to come forward’

Tom Gabelman, an attorney who works for the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners, is the unnamed informant in court documents outlining how Cincinnati City Councilwoman Tamaya Dennard sold her vote on a development deal for cash, his law firm.

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Anti-Chevron Lawyer Steven Donziger Gets Blessing for Return of His Law License

Environmental attorney Steven Donziger received a passionate recommendation to receive his law license back on Monday from the officer presiding over his bar proceedings in New York.

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Koppers Appoints Successor to General Counsel

Stephanie Apostolou has been elected general counsel and secretary of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based Koppers and Koppers Holdings, effective March 1.

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Judge Tosses Law Firm’s Suit Alleging Rival’s Ads Inflated Recoveries

A Kansas law firm that claimed that a competitor was inflating client recoveries in its advertising won’t be able to pursue its lawsuit.

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Jones Day Hires Five Supreme Court Clerks in Latest Coup

Jones Day has hired five Supreme Court clerks from the October 2018 term, continuing its recent tradition of recruiting top talent from the nation’s highest court.

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Bayer Asks California Court to Reverse $86 Million Roundup Cancer Verdict

Bayer denies the allegations made by more than 42,700 plaintiffs in the United States, saying decades of studies have shown Roundup and glyphosate are safe for human use.

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Lawsuit Alleges Biglaw Firm Failed To Monitor Partner With Substance Abuse Problem

The allegations against Stevenson include ones that he provided legal advice under the influence of alcohol and cocaine and that Venning was not warned the legal work they got from Stevenson may be under the influence.

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