Corporate Counsel
Webinar: #MeToo is Transforming Corporate Governance

Webinar, April 23
In this free, one hour webinar, Berkeley Law professor Amelia Miazad will analyze how the #MeToo movement has impacted foundational aspects of corporate governance.
Halliburton’s Top Lawyer Helps Fend Off Billions in Lawsuits
The biggest challenge for Robb Voyles on day one was the mountain of lawsuits pending against Halliburton as part of the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion.
Webinar: The Role of In-House and External Counsel in Managing Open Source

Webinar, April 18, 2019
Flexera will present a complimentary webinar discussing the role of in-house and external counsel in managing open source software in the business environment.
Webinar: #ThinkTank – The State of the Legal Industry

Webinar, April 12, 2019
High Performance Counsel will kick off its #ThinkTank series with the first quarterly briefing on the state of the legal industry on April 12, 2019.
After Years of Apologies for Customer Abuses, Wells Fargo CEO Suddenly Quits; GC Takes Over

Wells Fargo general counsel C. Allen Parker will take over as interim president and chief executive of the company after the abrupt departure of chief executive Tim Sloan on Thursday.
Webinar: Is Your Whistleblower Program Effective?

Webinar, April 4, 2019
Studies show that effective internal whistleblower programs contribute to business success, including lower levels of litigation.
Event: Digital Transformation in Corporate Legal Departments

Event, April 3, 2019
Morae Global and SimpleLegal will present a breakfast and a panel discussion offering a practical look at digital transformation in corporate legal departments.
Above the Law’s Outside Counsel Rankings: GCs Reveal Their Go-To Firms

Approximately 1,000 in-house lawyers — from nearly 500 companies and more than 40 cities — responded with evaluations of their outside law firms.
Economic Value Added: The Good, the Bad, and the Complex

Webinar, March 21, 2019
While EVA (or Economic Value Added) is not new, it has been one of the more obscure financial performance metrics for incentive compensation, according to the NACD.
Court Agrees General Counsel Was Fired for Whistle-Blowing; Upholds $8 Million Verdict
The 9th Circuit ruled that the former general cousnel had acted as a whistle-blower and was dismissed in retaliation for reporting conduct that he “reasonably believed” to be illegal.
Download: Contract Management Software Selection Guide

ContractWorks has published “The Contract Management Software Selection Guide” and made it available for downloading at no charge.
Tesla’s General Counsel Lasts Only Two Months
CNN reports that Tesla’s general counsel is leaving the company after just two months on the job — the latest in a series of executive departures at Elon Musk’s electric car company.
Download: The Changing Face of In-House Legal Departments

From expanding data volumes and data types to increased budget pressures and new data privacy regulations, in-house legal teams find themselves needing to adapt to unprecedented demands.
Download: Top 10 Compliance Trends eBook

The NAVEX publication shows how shifts in the workplace and regulatory environment bring to light the importance of authenticity and ethical practices.
One of Apple’s Former Top Lawyers Faces Criminal Charges for Insider Trading
The former senior director of corporate law and corporate secretary has been charged by the SEC with trading “on material nonpublic information about Apple’s earnings.”
Download: How the GC Helps Build a Better Board

The NACD publication explains how a more participatory approach with the general counsel not only strengthens company leadership, but also reduces overall enterprise risk.
Case Study: TIAA – A Legal Transformation With Technology, Process and People

Brad Rogers was tasked with transforming the entire legal operations function for TIAA, a company managing more than $1 trillion in assets and serving more than 5 million active and retired employees by providing financial services to over 15,000 institutions in more than 50 countries.
How One Legal Department Saw Success from an Internal Client Feedback Program

A case study describes one legal department’s increased win-win with its internal clients through a client feedback program.
How General Counsel can Successfully Collaborate with Outside Attorneys

Three senior in-house attorneys discussed best practices for collaborating with outside counsel during a panel discussion at Ward and Smith’s 2018 In-House Counsel Seminar, with a focus on leveraging technology, controlling legal spend, and managing succession.
Webinar: RFPs – Best Practices & Obstacles to Avoid
Webinar, Feb. 16, 2019
This webinar will provide an overview for general counsel on how RFPs are being used to better manage outside counsel across the legal industry and the best practices to follow and the obstacles to avoid.