Tips for Raising Venture Capital: Commercial Contract Issues
It is important to address the critical intellectual property rights issues that will allow the protection of an idea in the commercial market, warns DLA Piper partner Jeff Lehrer.
Dear Employer, You Could Owe the IRS Millions of Dollars

Some practitioners expect Industries like trucking, restaurant, and staffing to see a high proportion of the demands from the IRS, according to Bloomberg.
Antitrust Litigation: How an Amicus Brief Can Win an Appeal
A group of 36 economists affiliated with top universities across the country filed an amicus brief explaining that the lower court used a faulty economic theory when it ruled against the FTC.
ACC Sets 2018 mid-Year Meeting in Denver April 22-24

Event, Denver, April 22-24, 2018
The Association of Corporate Counsel has set the agenda for the 2018 ACC Mid-Year Meeting, which will be in Denver April 22-24.
Re-Thinking Supply Chain Contracts in the World of Connected Things

Many of the contract forms used to source raw materials or physical components may not be appropriate to use when sourcing software, writes Nicholas J. Ellis of Foley & Lardner.
Cryptocurrency Tax Webinar Covers New IRS Scrutiny on Reporting

As cryptocurrency has received attention from mainstream media, some investors and traders have made huge profits and some are now experiencing large losses.
States to Forego Most of $650M Legal Settlement With Takata
Attorneys general for the states alleged that Takata concealed air bag safety issues and failed to disclose safety defects.
Do Architects and Engineers Owe a Legal Duty to Non-Contracting Parties?
A appellate opinion provides some guidance with respect to the architect’s and engineer’s common law duty when processing pay applications, according to Clark Hill PLC.
Detours on the Way to Your Contractually Selected Forum
Global Private Equity Watch finds some good news for the careful transactional lawyer who drafts a bespoke forum clause in a contract.
FTI Consulting’s Advice from Counsel Study Examines Data Privacy and Security
Fortune 1000 corporations worry about budget, GDPR compliance, data security and other information fovernance initiatives, according to the 12th Advice from Counsel study from FTI Consulting, Inc.
Not So Common Sense? Reliance on Common Sense to Establish Obviousness
Jones Day reports on a recent written decision of the Patent Trial and Appeals Board that sheds light on how the PTAB may treat common sense as used in obviousness arguments.
On-Demand: The Current (and Future) State of Oil and Gas M&A
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher has posted an on-demand webcast that discusses what the firm has been seeing and expects to see in the future in regard to mergers and acquisitions in the oil and gas industry.
U.S. Bank Cited by Federal Authorities for Lapses on Money Laundering
The bank settled the Justice Department charges and cases brought by other regulators by agreeing to pay various fines and penalties totaling $613 million.
Remington Bankruptcy Could Put Rifle Settlement at Risk, Attorneys Say
Plaintiffs claim that Remington covered up a deadly design defect that allows the rifle — and a dozen similar models — to fire without the trigger being pulled.
Implied Covenant Will Not Save You From Your Agreement If You Negotiated Away Your Rights
A Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft post discusses a decision that underscores the limits on an implied covenant breach claim under Delaware law.
‘Home Country’ Arbitration Clause More Trouble Than It’s Worth?

The “home country” provision provides that the party initiating arbitration must sue the other party in its home country, explains a post by Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.
Xerox About to Disappear — Take Heed, Amazon and Google

The more successful a company is, the more unassailable its competitive position appears, the greater the forces that gather to knock it off its perch, writes Michael Hiltzik in The Los Angeles Times.
Changing Contracts: Amending Agreements

Even the best agreements can require amendments based on changes in law, technology, and the products or services provided, according to Kirkpatrick Law.
On-Demand Webinar: Achieving GDPR Compliance

While the GDPR standardizes data protection law across the EU, it doesn’t spell out how U.S. companies can update data preservation processes to be compliant.
Commentary: Wells Fargo’s Board Members Are Getting Off Too Easy

Lawrence Summers asks: Why aren’t the Wells Fargo directors who are leaving being named and asked to resign effective immediately with an element of humiliation?