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The Case for Contractor and Vendor Employee Screening

By on April 10, 2015 in Contracts, Employment

Fingerprint investigationCARCO Group Inc., a worldwide leader in background screening and investigations, has posted online a white paper that explores the importance of contractor and vendor employee screening.

Published in response to a growing trend by companies to employ contractors and vendors in key roles, along with the need to justify the expense to upper management, the white paper reviews the benefits and best practices of contractor and vendor employee screening. The paper also discusses the risks associated with not screening these workers, CARCO says on its website.

“Most companies today have spent time evaluating and addressing physical security needs, most have also addressed environmental safety concerns, and many companies today practice some form of employee background screening. But many companies fall short on designing and implementing sound vendor and contractor employee screening programs,” notes Fred Giles, CARCO’s Senior Vice President, Research Division.

This white paper addresses some of the traps and dangerous practices that can ensnare the well-intentioned professional, and outlines the elements of a strong vendor employee screening program.

Download the white paper.


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