Burger King Has Its Way: Vegan Whopper Class Action Suit Dismissed

“Judge Raag Singhal … dismissed a class action lawsuit that claimed Burger King Corporation’s advertising deceived customers by making a ‘presumption’ that its plant-based “Impossible Whopper” patties would be cooked on different grills than those used to cook meats,” writes

“Specifically, the plaintiffs alleged to have been ‘duped’ into believing that Burger King cooked its Impossible Whopper patties on dedicated grills due to the patties being marketed as ‘0% beef and 100% Whopper.’ The plaintiffs had previously argued that Burger King marketed the Impossible Whopper as vegan, but then dropped that claim given that Burger King’s advertising did not expressly mention that the Impossible Whopper was in fact vegan.”

“In dismissing the plaintiffs’ breach of contract claim, Judge Singhal held that Burger King’s promotional material did not mislead customers about cooking methods and that it did not imply that its plant-based patties would be grilled separately from meat products.”

Read the article.