Budget Needs for Contract Management Solutions

Contract budgetingMerrill DataSite has posted a complimentary white paper titled “Budget needs for contract management solutions: How to set budget expectations and understand vendor pricing models.”

Determining what a new contract management system really costs can be elusive, Merrill DataSite says on its website. “If you’ve talked with a few vendors, you may have found them maddeningly vague when it comes to cost, leaving you with more questions than concrete answers.

“There’s a reason vendors are reluctant to throw out a number that may be misleading. Companies’ contract management needs are so diverse that putting a price tag on meeting them is no quick, simple thing. Yet that ballpark number is precisely what you need, in order to advocate and build a case for a new system.”

The new white paper can help readers understand the cost drivers and the potential scale of budget required to meet a company’s needs.

Download the white paper.