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Breach Discovery: Limit the Damage with Early Detection

By on February 11, 2015 in Computers & Technology, On-Demand Webinars

Computer securityBrightTalk has posted a free on-demand webinar featuring speakers from Bitglass discussing how today’s hackers are getting through traditional security technologies and how to use breach discovery techniques to shrink the window between infection and detection in order to limit the damage.

Enterprises have invested millions in breach prevention technology, but hackers are still getting through, exfiltrating data undetected over many months, BrightTalk says on its website. Traditional approaches, which focus on breach prevention, have become increasingly ineffective with the rise of targeted attacks and persistent, ongoing events that may exfiltrate data over long periods of time.

A focus on prevention is no longer sufficient. The enterprise must also focusing on detecting breaches early, limiting damage before sensitive data is exfiltrated.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


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