BP: North America Energy Self-Sufficient by 2015

Oil barrels with graphBP has published BP Energy Outlook 2035 country and regional factsheets, detailing the company’s predictions for the world energy picture through the next 20 years.

Among its predictions, the company sees North American energy production rising by 33 percent, while consumption expands by just 5 percent, making the continent energy self-sufficient by 2015. And North America’s share of global demand continues to decline from 22 percent today to 17 percent by 2035.

Also, the decline in energy intensity accelerates, the expected rate of decline post 2020 is 50 percent higher than the decline rate achieved from 1990-2010, declining 2.4 percent per year. And North American energy production grows by 1.3 percent per year from 2013 to 2035, slightly below the global average of 1.4 percent.

Download the factsheet.