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Arbitrator Exceeded Authority in Multiple-Party, Multiple-Contract AAA Arbitration

By on August 4, 2015 in Arbitration & Mediation, Contracts

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, ruling in a vacatur of arbitral award case, found that an arbitrator exceeded his authority in a multiple-party, multiple-contract AAA arbitration by acting in accordance with one arbitration agreement, but contrary to the arbitrator appointment and forum selection clauses in other arbitration agreements involving an intervening party.

Baker & McKenzie associate Eileen Theresa Flynn, writing in an article posted on Lexology, wrote about PoolRe Ins. Corp. v. Organizational Strategies, Inc.

“Reviewing the vacatur de novo, the Fifth Circuit agreed that Ramos acted contrary to the express provisions of the PoolRe arbitration agreements and affirmed the vacatur decision,” Flynn wrote.

Read the article.


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