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As the Supreme Court Gets Back to Work, Five Big Cases to Watch

By on October 6, 2019 in Litigation-Business, Litigation-Personal

The Supreme Court could issue a number of blockbuster decisions on gay and transgender rights, immigration, abortion, guns and religion in its next term, which will begin on Monday.

New York Times reporter Adam Liptak writes that the rulings will arrive by June, in the midst of an already divisive presidential campaign.

“On Tuesday, the court will hear two hours of argument on the momentous question of whether a landmark federal civil rights law protects gay men, lesbians and transgender people from employment discrimination,” Liptak explains.

Later in the term, the court will consider the fate of nearly 800,000 “Dreamers,” hear an abortion case challenging a Louisiana law, possibly hear a case on the Second Amendment, and decide whether a state can exclude religious schools from a state scholarship program.

Read the  NY Times article.



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