Are Biglaw Associates Billing Themselves to the Brink of Exhaustion for Subpar Bonuses?

“It’s been almost one week since Baker McKenzie unexpectedly kicked off Biglaw’s 2020 bonus season, and the announcement has been met with crickets. To be honest, no one thought Baker of all firms would be the one to make the first move, and based on associates’ responses to our annual bonus and billable hours survey, no one really thought this year’s bonus scale would be announced as early as it was due to the ongoing pandemic. Thirty-four percent of our respondents think a big bonus announcement will drop sometime this week, while 33 percent think it will come next week. As a reminder, last year, bonuses were announced on November 7, and the year before that, bonuses were announced just before Thanksgiving, in the second to last week of November,” reports Staci Zaretsky in Above the Law’s Biglaw.

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