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Amazon Legal Chief’s Pay Topped $17M During Busy Year

By on April 18, 2021 in Law Firm Management

“The top in-house lawyer at Inc. received a total compensation package of nearly $17.2 million in 2020, according to the company’s annual proxy statement filed Thursday,” reports Brian Baxter in Bloomberg Law’s Daily Labor Report.

“David Zapolsky, Amazon’s general counsel since 2012, saw the bulk of his pay comprised of roughly $17 million in stock awards. He also drew a base salary of $160,000. Zapolsky has not previously been one of Amazon’s highest paid executives. He became an executive officer last year, according to Amazon’s proxy.”

“Amazon has faced an array of complex legal issues over the last year as the Seattle-based company’s fortunes soared during the coronavirus pandemic. It hired thousands of employees—including lawyers—to respond with an uptick in online shopping and an increased emphasis on workplace safety, two areas that have also have important implications for antitrust and labor law.”

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