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Amazon Faces Multiple US Antitrust Probes in its Dominance in Online Retail

By on June 15, 2020 in Corporate

“Amazon faces increased competition scrutiny even as the pandemic sends its retail business skyrocketing,” reports in Isobel Asher Hamilton in Business Insider.

“Investigators in two US states, California and Washington, are reportedly gearing up to launch antitrust probes into Amazon over whether it uses its marketplace to favor its own products over those of third-party sellers.”

“In addition to being individually scrutinized, Amazon is being folded into more general national antitrust investigations into big tech. Axios reported Saturday a House tech competition probe has written to the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, and Facebook requesting they testify in July. The letters sent by the committee reportedly contained reminders that subpoenas could be used to compel CEOs to testify and provide documents.”

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