Akerman Achieves Mansfield Plus Certification for Diversity in 2021
Top 100 U.S. law firm Akerman LLP is pleased to announce that it has achieved Mansfield Plus Certification for 2021. The Mansfield Rule, widely considered a benchmark for law firm diversity, equity, and inclusion, measures law firms’ record of considering and appointing lawyers from underrepresented categories for leadership, partnership, and significant roles in client work.
“We are very proud that our firm has achieved this recognition from the Mansfield Rule arbiters, Diversity Lab,” said Chairman and CEO Scott Meyers. “It is central to our firm’s indelible commitment to true equality and inclusion throughout our ranks, and it is wonderful to be recognized for fostering an environment of inclusivity for our Akerman family,” he added.
The goal of the Mansfield Rule is to boost the representation of historically underrepresented lawyers in law firm leadership, Diversity Lab writes. “Now entering its fifth year, the Mansfield Rule has become the standard by which law firms track and measure that they have affirmatively considered at least 30 percent women, lawyers from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, lawyers with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ lawyers for top leadership roles, senior-level lateral hiring, promotions into the equity partnership, and participation in client pitch meetings.”
Akerman’s Mansfield Rule certification follows closely on the firm’s ranking in August, 2021 among the Top 10 large law firms (of 600 or more lawyers) in Law360’s 2021 Diversity Snapshot. The firms on this list have the highest representation of minorities in their equity partnerships, and are outpacing their peers as the legal industry works towards increasing minority representation in their top ranks.
Akerman partner Pedro A. Freyre, Chair of the firm’s Equality and Inclusion Committee and Chair of its International Practice Group, said the certification “marks a great day for Akerman, and another indication that the firm is on the right path seeking, finding, promoting, and sustaining excellent lawyers from all backgrounds.
I am both honored and thrilled by the Mansfield Rule Certification result, much work remains to be done but the Mansfield certification is critical in measuring our progress” Freyre added.
Diversity Lab noted that all firms that meet or exceed the required Mansfield Rule Certification parameters, which are measured twice yearly through a data collection process and structured check-in meetings, are provided with an opportunity to send their newly promoted underrepresented partners to Client Forums to meet and learn from hundreds of influential legal department leaders.
About Akerman
Akerman LLP is a top 100 U.S. law firm recognized among the most forward thinking firms in the industry by Financial Times. Its more than 700 lawyers and business professionals collaborate with the world’s most successful enterprises and entrepreneurs to navigate change, seize opportunities, and help drive innovation and growth.