Affordable Care Act: Litigation and Implementation Update

StethoscopeThe Network for Public Health Law presents a free on-demand webinar providing an update on Affordable Care Act implementation, including states’ decisions regarding Medicaid expansion and health insurance exchanges, as well as a number of provisions regarding public health.

Experts will also discuss the legal challenges, some seeking to enjoin the law and others, to enforce it.

November marked the second year when millions of Americans can purchase health insurance coverage through the online marketplaces established by the ACA. The health law’s first year was bumpy, due to technical glitches that plagued the marketplaces and a number of states’ refusals to expand Medicaid, The Network said on its website. The ACA was challenged by dozens of lawsuits that raised a range of constitutional and statutory arguments. In the most high profile case of the year, the Supreme Court ruled that some companies can be exempt from the ACA’s contraceptive requirements.

Watch the on-demand webinar and view the slides.