AFCRE Partners With Howard’s Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center To Address Racial Injustice
The Arent Fox Center for Racial Equality is pleased to announce a partnership with Howard University School of Law’s Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center to produce policy recommendations and research papers addressing institutionalized racism in the United States.
As part of the program, Howard Law professors and students will work with Arent Fox lawyers and administrative staff to identify, research, and produce policy analysis and research projects on systemic racism and racial injustice. Arent Fox attorneys will also serve as mentors.
Mike Brown Project
The first joint project between AFCRE and TMCRC will be the Mike Brown Project, which is designed to help pass legislation at the federal and state levels to provide mental health services to families and communities impacted by police violence.
On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown Jr., an 18-year-old Black man, was fatally shot by a White police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. The shooting ignited unrest in Ferguson – and nationwide protest – that continued for more than a week.