Advanced Analytics for the Legal Profession
Big data and increased regulatory scrutiny over data has brought increased client demands for information management, security and data protection. The ability to manage, classify, protect, and quickly access data is essential in managing regulatory and liability risks.
To address these issues, UBIC will present a panel discussion titled “Advanced Analytics for the Legal Profession – Big Data Challenges, Analytic Solutions & Thoughts for the Future.” The discussion will be at the Annual Education Conference of the International Legal Technology Association in Nashville.
The discussion will be held Wednesday, August 19, and Thursday, August 20.
However, traditional legal and risk management procedures, processes, and infrastructures are not always suited to address the new high volume, velocity and variety of data sources. Advanced analytics offer solutions.
Paul Starrett
Counsel & Chief Global Risk Officer, UBIC North America, Inc.
Chris Dale
eDisclosure Information Project, English Solicitor (Tuesday only)
Brett Burney
Principal of Burney Consultants LLC (Wednesday only)
Yoshikatsu Shirai
Chief Client Technology Officer, UBIC, Inc.
Gerard J. Britton
CEO, Topiary Discovery LLC
UBIC will also offer a seminar in New York titled “How Evolving Big Data Can Enable
Information Governess Opportunities.” For information on that event, call 650-868-2623 or email