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Cyber-Security, IP Theft and Data Breaches: Protecting Corporate Assets

By on October 13, 2014 in Intellectual Property, On-Demand Webinars

CREATE.orgCyber-attacks, malicious insiders, far-flung suppliers all pose major risks to a company’s crown jewels, its intellectual property assets.

The Center for Responsible Enterprise and Trade will present a complimentary webinar Thursday, Oct. 30, at 10 a.m. Eastern time.

On its website,, the center says this webcast will cover:

  • Where are the greatest threats? Overview of the threat actors that pose the most potential damage to companies, their motivations and approaches.
  • How can companies get ahead of the risks? Examples and strategies to be more proactive and preventative to deter IP losses and data breaches.
  • How do you know if supply chain partners are protecting your company’s IP? Building internal protections and working with key suppliers and other business partners who present upstream and downstream risks.

Register for the webinar.

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