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Novations and Contract Transfers Webinar

By on October 10, 2014 in Contracts, On-Demand Webinars

Piliero MazzaNovations can be tricky transactions and often require a combination of legal know-how as well as business sense and close communication with the government personnel responsible for approving the transaction, says Piliero Mazza PLLC on its website. Many clients and companies we come across are confused about novations or have misconceptions about what a novation is, when it is required, or what it means for their company or their customers.

The firm will present a complimentary webinar on the topic on Tuesday, Nov. 4, at 1 p.m. Central time.

Attoneys Cy Alba and Kimi Murakami will clear up those confusions and discuss the tools and knowledge needed to maximize the possibility of a successful novation, or avoid the process where possible.  Some of the key topics to be discussed are:

  • What is a “novation,” and what is required for such a transaction?
  • When are novations necessary and when can they be avoided?
  • What is the impact a novation will have on  your small business status?
  • What are some of the main problems that contractors encounter when novating contracts?
  • What is the difference between a novation and a change of name agreement?
  • What are some of the unwritten rules certain agencies have regarding novations?

Register for the webinar.

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