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Frustration of Contracts: Emerging Markets, Civil Unrest, Political Change

By on September 3, 2014 in Contracts, International, On-Demand Webinars

EveershedsInternational law firm Eversheds offers a free on-demand webinar on the use of contract law in emerging markets during a time of unrest and political upheaval.

On its website, Eversheds says emerging markets hold opportunities but carry greater risk. Those risks include political change, civil unrest/instability, supply chain/contractor issues, sanctions, and an immature/unreliable legal system.

Contract law issues in this environment include the doctrine of frustration and force majeure clauses.

These risks can be minized at the contract drafting stage, the firm says, through investment structuring and proper drafting of contractual provisions.

Watch the on-demand webinar.

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