Hacking Point of Sale: How Mega-Retailers are Compromised
Tripwire will present a webinar featuring author Slava Gomzin on how to avoid joining the growing list of compromised mega-retailers whose credit card payment systems have been hacked.
The free webinar will be Tuesday, July 15, at 2 p.m. Eastern time.
The recent batch of compromised mega retailers, including Target and Neiman Marcus, reveals just how vulnerable payment systems are, a Tripwire spokesman said. Sophisticated tools, strong security policies, and updated regulatory requirements haven’t been able to prevent hackers from taking advantage of inherent vulnerabilities in payment systems.
Payment systems expert Slava Gomzin, author of “Hacking Point of Sale,” will illustrate how retailers such as Target were compromised, what went wrong, failures in PCI to address all vulnerabilities and how these types of breaches can be prevented in the future.
Attendees will receive a sample chapter of Slava’s book on “Payment Application Architecture,” which provides a detailed overview of how payment systems work, protocols and their weaknesses. Qualified attendees will also earn one CPE credit for their participation.