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2014 ILTA Conference Prosperoware Sessions

By on August 14, 2014 in Computers & Technology

ProsperowareProsperoware will present four sessions at the ILTA 2014 Conference, including Umbria, the company’s next-generation Legal Process Management and pricing software; the Milan product family that will refresh your WorkSite DMS and invigorate your users; and Zone Mail app and the Zone Remote Access — tools that allow you to work seamlessly from anywhere.

The company is an ILTA 2014 Gold Sponsor. Representatives can be found at booth 428 and in demo room Ryman Studio Q on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 19-20.

The sessions include “Next Generation Matter Centric Transformation Case Study,” “Company and Product Update For Customers,” “The LPM Maturity Model: Five steps to transform your firm into a client-focused business through legal process management” and “Building the Electronic File for Litigation: A Case Study.”

“At Prosperoware, we are motivated by our desire to solve your business challenges,” said a company spokesman. “That means we listen when your pricing and marketing teams say they need software to help them transition your firm to a more client-focused business. The result is our next-generation Umbria Legal Process Management software.

“We understand that the user adoption of your firm’s DMS may be flat-lining, so we built the tools you need to refresh the systems that your firm already uses. Milan’s WorkSite add-ons improve administration and empower users.

“And, when we heard the frustrated cries of your firm’s lawyers because they can’t access their email and your firm’s DMS remotely, we built an intuitive and seamless product that allows them to work anywhere. Zone Mail brings secure email management to your mobile device; Zone Remote Access brings the FileSite experience to your web browser,” the spokesman said.

Get more information and register for the sessions.


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