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More than 100 Biglaw Firms Tackled their Diversity Issues During the Pandemic

By on September 15, 2021 in Law Firm Management

“Diversity continues to be a difficult concept for law firms to wrap their arms around, and to do so during a pandemic seemed all but impossible, but somehow, someway, they did it. More than 100 firms were able to deliver on their commitment to diversity during the worst of times, all thanks to,” reports Staci Zaretsky in Above The Law.

“Back in 2017, the Diversity Lab came up with the idea to hold Biglaw firms accountable for their diversity goals by employing a program modeled after the NFL’s Rooney Rule, which requires teams to interview a minority candidate for head coach or general manager vacancies. Here, the Mansfield rule named for Arabella Mansfield, the first.”

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