Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives

Safety Culture Before and After Bhopal

Work injury claim formThe Society of Petroleum Engineers will present a free webinar that will address some of the challenging questions about industrial safety that have arisen in the years since a chemical release in India killed thousands in 1983.

The 90-minute webinar will be Wednesday, March 11, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time.

A lax safety culture contributed to the accident and to the extreme consequences of the accident, said the SPE on it website.

“It is generally accepted that safety culture is much different (much better) now.  But categorizing and measuring culture is difficult, so it is hard to say how much different safety culture is today.  Further culture varies with place, industry, company, plant, task, etc. Bhopal certainly had an impact, but so did other things.  This webinar will tackle some challenging questions such as – ‘How is safety culture different today?’ and ‘What impact did Bhopal have?’  ‘Did it have more impact on design or on operations?’ ”

Register for the webinar.


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