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Top 20 Biglaw Firm to Offer Associates 2 Remote Days Each Week

By on August 2, 2021 in Law Firm Management

“August is nearly upon is, and that means we’re getting closer and closer not just to the end of the summer, but the date when lawyers at many firms are expected to return to the office in person.  Some firms are going forward with a hybrid model, meaning that employee time will be split between the office,” reports Staci Zaretsky in Above The Law.

“Weil Gotshal is one of those firms. As noted in a memo sent to all employees in May, the firm’s New York, Boston, D.C. Miami, Dallas, and Houston offices opened at 100 percent capacity in June with the Silicon Valley office opening at 100 percent capacity on June 15th, the firm will be fully back to business on September 7.”

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