Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives

Mandatory GMO Labeling Laws

Wheat - crop -GMO - farm -agricultureThe National Agricultural Law Center will present a complimentary webinar onthe  ballot initiatives and legislative proposals addressing the labeling of “Genetically Modified Organisms,” commonly known as “GMOs.”

The webinar will be Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time.

These efforts have been proposed in several states across the country, as well as on the federal level, the Center says on its website.  Primarily, the issue addressed is whether or not food products made with GMOs should be labeled as such.

The webinar will cover the historical development of GMO labeling debate; a review the states’ laws that have been enacted; the status of litigation involving the Vermont GMO labeling law; applicable November 2014 ballot measures voters considered on election day; and Federal legislation.

More information on the webinar.


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