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IRRs and the Future of Drilling Behavior

By on November 4, 2014 in Energy, Oil & Gas, On-Demand Webinars

Oil pump jacksPlatts and Bentek Energy offer a complimentary on-demand webinar on recent changes in drilling technology that have altered the energy landscape in North America.

On its website, Platts says drill times have been reduced and unconventional drilling accounts for more than 60 percent of current activity.  Oil and gas production continues to grow as operators are pursuing more producing basins than ever. How will future price changes affect drilling trends in the United States? Is there sufficient demand to absorb the production growth?

The webinar covers drilling activity, drill times, and emerging plays; returns’ impact on producer activity, natural gas production future, and how future oil & gas prices will change the landscape of U.S. drilling activity?

Watch the on-demand webinar.

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