7 Common Beliefs About eDiscovery – Myth or Fact?

ACEDSThe Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists will present a complimentary on-demand webinar separating fact from myth regarding seven common eDiscovery beliefs.

The webinar will be Wednesday, Oct. 22, beginning at 1 p.m. Eastern time.

Lisa Simmons, partner of Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP, and Carolyn Young, solutions engineer at Advanced Discovery, are presenters for the webinar.

Here are the seven myths they cover:

1. Legal knowledge alone demonstrates competence.
2. Only large defendants use eDiscovery.
3. Issuing a litigation hold satisfies your preservation requirements.
4. TAR can deliver more accurate results than human reviewers.
5. Requesting parties determine the method of discovery.
6. The addition of proportionality to the FRCPs will change your responsibilities.
7. Internal cooperation will improve your outcomes.

Watch the on-demand webinar.