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2021 Legal Staffing Trends: Déjà Vu for Contract Attorneys?

By on June 14, 2021 in Contracts

“The legal staffing industry is seeing a surge in contract staffing, echoing the demand seen in the 1990s recession. Leslie A. Firtell, CEO of Tower Legal Solutions, says this is because many law firms and legal departments laid off or furloughed lawyers in 2020, plus attorneys are choosing to leave their permanent, full-time positions for more work-life flexibility,” post Leslie A. Firtell in BloomBerg Law

“The saying “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” is proving to be true in the area of contract legal staffing. The burgeoning demand for contract attorneys post-pandemic is reminiscent of what took place in the late 1990s following the recession at the beginning of the decade. I joined the legal staffing industry in 1997, just as contract staffing was about to come into its own.”

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