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2021 Clean Energy Outlook

By on January 24, 2021 in Energy

“The end-of-the year omnibus (H.R. 133) is a massive $2.3 trillion spending bill containing appropriations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, COVID-19 relief funds, the first energy authorization in over a decade and extensions of a number of tax incentives also important to the energy sector. The bipartisan package will foster innovation across a broad range of technologies that are critical to U.S. energy and national security, long-term economic competitiveness and the protection of the environment,” report Taite R. McDonald, Beth A. Viola, Sydney Lauren Bopp and Hannah M. Coulter in Holland & Knight’s Insights.

The Holland & Knight alert highlights:

  • Congressional support for clean energy research and development (R&D) remains strong, as evidenced by increasing budgets for most of the relevant programs at federal agencies, especially the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
  • Every DOE program dedicated to clean energy research, development and deployment received an increase for Fiscal Year 2021, making billions of dollars available through grants, cooperative agreements, loans and loan guarantees, and other federal support.

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