What Clinton Won’t Say: Whether Garland Is Her High Court Pick

Merrick Garland

Merrick Garland

Hillary Clinton has started talking to reporters again, but Bloomberg Law reports there’s still a big question she hasn’t answered: Would she re-nominate Merrick Garland to the open seat on the Supreme Court?

Senate Republicans have refused to hold hearings on Garland’s nomination, saying the next president should be the one to select a nominee to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

The Democratic presidential candidate has studiously avoided saying whether she would renominate Garland for the vacancy if it is still pending next year, writes Bloomberg’s Greg Stohr.

“Clinton’s decision would shape both the direction of the court and tone of her presidency. She could stick with Garland, a 63-year-old moderate whose nomination has languished since March. Garland would shift the court to the left but not as far as some liberals would like,” Stohr writes. “Or she could opt for a younger, more progressive nominee, as well as the bigger confirmation fight that would invite.”

Read the article.