U.S. Clean Power Plan Remains on Firm Legal Ground Says AWEA

While the oral arguments about the merits of the Clean Power Plan are heard by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) remains confident the plan will be upheld by the courts, reports Renewable Energy Magazine.

The Clean Power Plan is the Environmental Protection Agency’s rule placing the first-ever federal carbon pollution limits on American electric power plants, writes Robin Whitlock.

Tom Kiernan, CEO of AWEA, issued a statement, saying in part: “The clean-energy train has already left the station in the form of affordable renewable energy already making major carbon pollution reductions today. The Clean Power Plan reasonably builds on these existing trends in the power sector that have allowed many states to reliably and cost-effectively slash carbon pollution at a rapid rate over the last decade through investment in clean sources of electric generation, like wind power. We fully expect the D.C. Circuit to agree that EPA correctly took these facts into account in considering well-established pollution control measures, such as renewable energy, when establishing carbon reduction standards for power plants under the plan.”

Read the article.