Mueller Uses Classic Prosecution Playbook Despite Trump Warnings

magnifyer-investigate-search-puzzleBloomberg Law describes how special counsel Robert Mueller is following a time-tried strategy for looking into the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia:

“Follow the money. Start small and work up. See who will ‘flip’ and testify against higher-ups by pursuing charges such as tax evasion, money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice.”

Reporter Chris Strohm quotes Jeffrey Cramer, a former prosecutor who’s now managing director of consulting firm Berkeley Research Group LLC: ““You go for the weakest link, and you start building up.”

Mueller’s approach has been used for decades in criminal investigations, from white-collar fraud to mob racketeering.

Read the Bloomberg article.




Trump Lawyer Marc Kasowitz to Critic: ‘Watch Your Back. . . . I Already Know Where You Live

The Washington Post is reporting that Marc E. Kasowitz, President Trump’s longtime attorney representing him in the Russia investigations, reportedly sent angry, threatening and profane emails to a stranger who criticized him this week. In one email, he told the man, “I already know where you live, I’m on you.”

A Kasowitz spokesman did not dispute the account, which was reported Thursday by the independent nonprofit journalism site ProPublica. The spokesman said Kasowitz regretted his words and that the email “came at the end of a very long day that at 10 p.m. was not yet over,” writes Derek Hawkins.

The exchange began after a “Rachel Maddow Show” broadcast that discussed how Kasowitz had made the unusual decision not to seek a security clearance to handle the Russia case. The man sent an email to Kasowitz witht eh subject line, “Resign Now.”

Read the Post‘s article.


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