Preventing Discrimination Claims: Who is Protected and How to Maintain Compliance

ComplianceLittler Mendelson will present a webinar about maintaining compliance under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act as it concerns protection of employees, both legal and illegal immigrants.

The hour-long webinar will be Wednesday, August 31, at 1 p.m. Eastern time.

In a recent undocumented worker case, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the EEOC has the authority to investigate claims made by both legal and illegal immigrants, the firm said on its website. This decision has heightened employers’ attention as to who in their workforce is protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and added to an already complex system of compliance standards set by the EEOC and OSC.

Topics will include:

  • What changes do employers and in-house counsel need to be aware of?
  • Who in your workforce is protected?
  • What are the common pitfalls that lead to discrimination claims?
  • What procedures can you implement to reduce legal risk?

Register for the webinar.