Judge Squelches New Overtime Regs: Now What?

A Texas judge’s decision to block sweeping new overtime rules hadn’t been out for two hours Monday evening before Philadelphia employment lawyer Gina Ameci started getting phone calls from her employer clients, reports The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Now what? “As of today, there is no law,” she said. “Anything is possible.”

“The judge’s decision came as a relief to industry groups, such as the Retail Industry Leaders Association, one of the 50 business groups that had sued the U.S. Labor Department,” writes reporter Jane M. Von Bergen.

“Ameci said her clients, now faced with a period of uncertainty, would now have to weigh their risks. Should they roll back new policies to save money and then face potential liability if the regulation is ultimately upheld? That risk might be worth it, she said, for nonprofits who often have people doing professional work, but earning in the $35,000 a year range,” the report says.

Read The Inquirer‘s article.