How to Speed Up the Corporate Decision-Making Process

Tom Monahan, the CEO of CEB, a multi-national best practice insight and technology company recently wrote an article in Fortune Magazine titled “Revving Up Your Corporate RPMs” that notes that, despite advances in technology, decision-making and change in the business world has actually slowed down in the last decade, writes ContractRoom on its blog.

His article offers these statistics:

  • Hiring a new employee now takes 63 days on average – up from 42 in 2010;
  • The average time to deliver an office IT project increased by more than a month from 2010 to 2015. It’s now over 10 months from start to delivery; and
  • The time required for one company to sell something to another has risen 22% in the past five years.

in the article, Monahan suggests the reasons for this increase in corporate decision-making.

Read the article.