Plan Now for Legal Marketing Success in 2017

Spending some time in the next few weeks planning for business development in 2017 can pay big dividends, advises Bruce Vincent of Muse Communications, a marketing company for lawyers and law firms.

In a post on the company’s website, he writes that something as simple as paying attention to the calendar and keeping an eye on local news can be an effective way to promote your legal practice in 2017.

Under the heading “Low-Hanging Fruit,” Vincent discusses the value of being named to “best” lawyer lists. “The key is making sure that clients know about your professional recognition, and the first step is knowing how to be considered for these honors,” he writes.

And under the heading “Make Yourself a Media Expert,” he gives advice on how to be featured as an “expert” in a particular legal field and be quoted on television or in print.

“One easy way is to stay in tune with the news of the day and find popular storylines that dovetail with your practice. The idea is to eventually make yourself available for media interviews the next time a reporter needs an expert source,” he writes.

Read the article.