4 Reasons You Still Should Issue a Press Release

In the era of online content marketing, the press release seems as quaint and outdated as the fax machine. But a well-written, concise, timely press release remains one of the most potent vehicles for getting your law firm’s story in front of important audiences, writes Amy Boardman Hunt for Muse Communications.

“The reason press releases are more important today is that we’re no longer solely, or even primarily, interested in winning over increasingly hard-to-win-over reporters,” she explains. “Lawyers and law firms who use content marketing are essentially their own publishers now. As long as you have a website, social media or email (ideally, all three), you can tell your own story directly to your clients and potential clients.”

She discusses four reasons why an old-fashioned press release is still a great way to get your story out there, and offers advice on how to get attention for the news.

Read the article.