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2016 In-House Legal Benchmarking Report

exterro-inhouse-legalExterro has published its “2016 In-House Legal Benchmarking Report,” which allows readers to compare their legal processes to their peers and learn how other legal departments are trying to become more productive and reduce legal spend without sacrificing defensibility.

The report, with the subtitle “Reducing Costs, Increasing Productivity in Today’s Complex Litigation Environment,” is available for free downloading.

The publication:

  • is a 24-page comprehensive report, which surveyed 76 in-house legal professionals
  • Key topics include how legal departments are allocating spend, techniques used to manage legal operations and much more…
  • Interesting stats, including: 77% of respondents will invest or evaluate some type of legal project management software in the next 1 – 2 years

Download the report.



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