Compliance and Cyber Security Competing Priorities for U.S. Insurers

Insurers in the United States will face competing priorities for resources and time over the next 12 months, with cyber security preparedness challenging overall regulatory compliance readiness, argues Wolters Kluwer Financial Services and reported by Canadian Underwriter.

Wolters Kluwer Financial Services surveyed more than 300 insurance professionals in 2014 and 2015, tracking 10 factors across two consecutive 12-month periods to illustrate the overall level of regulatory and risk management pressures facing U.S. insurers.

“Overall, 60% of polled insurance professionals report that cyber security will receive escalated priority at their organization, followed by regulatory risk at 42%, notes a statement from the company, which offers risk management, compliance, finance and audit solutions and maintains operations in more than 170 countries,” reports Canadian Underwriter.

Read the report.